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Top Reasons to Get an AC Tune-Up

Few things are worse than air conditioner that fails on a hot summer night. Not only will you have to deal with the heat and humidity, you will have to disrupt your normal routine to arrange for emergency service on your unit. While Indoor Comfort Services will make the repair process as painless as possible for you, we know that you would prefer for your air conditioner not to break down. Fortunately, with our air conditioner tune-up service, you make it much more likely that you stay cool throughout the Sacramento air conditioning season.

Routine air conditioner maintenance will help you:

  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Filter outdoor pollutants and allergens
  • Control costs
  • Prolong the useful life of your air conditioner

During the winter and spring when you are not using your air conditioner, dust and debris may settle on the inside of the unit and make it more difficult for the parts to operate properly. These elements also act on metal and rubber components, reducing their effectiveness.

Spring is therefore the perfect time to perform air conditioner maintenance because we can identify potential long-term problems for you and repair any existing damage before your air conditioner is needed. Repairing your unit before the Sacramento air conditioning season arrives means that you will not have to go without cool air at any point—all your repairs will be taken care of.

Well-maintained air conditioners run more efficiently and help keep your utility bills lower. If the motor in your unit has to work harder because of parts out of alignment or parts jammed with layers of dirt, the motor will fail sooner rather than later. If the problem is so severe that we cannot repair it, you will need to purchase a new air conditioner at a time when it may not fit into your budget. By keeping your unit in good working order, you can upgrade your air conditioner on your timetable.

Make sure that your air conditioner is up to the task of cooling your home and reducing potential air pollutants. Contact Indoor Comfort Services at 916-993-3510 today to schedule your spring air conditioner tune-up.

Getting Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

Summer is marching steadily towards us, and you may already be wondering how high the air conditioning bill will go this year. However, you don’t have to worry as much when your system is well-maintained and tuned up. Here are some steps suggested by Indoor Comfort Services to ensure that your air conditioner is in top condition and ready for the hot weather of summer.

New Filters Work Wonders

We recommend replacing air filters every month, but we understand that it’s easy to forget. However, it’s vital that you check your filter now and install a clean one if necessary. This simple step will help you avoid costly air conditioner repair by ensuring steady airflow through the unit and by keeping dirt and dust out of the system.

Clean the Compressor

Cleaning the outside compressor is another easy part of air conditioner maintenance that you may be able to handle.

  1. For safety, turn off the power at the outdoor switch or the main breaker before you clean the exterior unit.
  2. Start by removing any debris, leaves, or even landscaping that is within two feet of the unit.
  3. Next, clean the compressor by vacuuming the exterior of the unit.
  4. Use an upholstery attachment to clean between the fins.
  5. Remove the top cover and lift it out of place to clean out any leaves or twigs that have blown into the unit.
  6. Using a garden hose with low pressure, rinse the dust and dirt off the coils before replacing the top cover.

Annual Tune-up

Call your Sacramento air conditioning to schedule an annual tune-up. Our experienced technicians will tighten any loose connections, inspect parts for damage, lubricate the fans and motors, and check the coolant levels.

Tune-ups are an affordable service that ensures your air conditioner is running efficiently, and can even prolong the life of your system. If you aren’t comfortable cleaning the outside unit, you can have this done as part of the annual inspection and tune-up.

Schedule Your Inspections

Make sure your air conditioner is ready for summer heat by taking these easy steps. Your air conditioner will maintain its higher efficiency levels, and you will enjoy cool comfort inside the home. Call Indoor Comfort Services at 916-993-3510 to schedule your annual tune-up and inspection.

Why Air Conditioner Installations Aren’t Do-It-Yourself Projects

Electricity is a modern convenience that most of us could not live without. It’s often taken for granted, and people forget how dangerous the moving currents actually are. However, when something around your home stops working, you are suddenly reminded of how much you depend on electrical currents and working fixtures. You may be tempted to do your own electrical work, but Indoor Comfort Services is here to remind you that it’s better to call the professionals.

Protect Yourself & Your Family

Before you decide that you can do your own air conditioner repair, remember that there are a lot of volts running through the system. Snip the wrong line or cross a connection and you could be seriously hurt or even killed by the current. Even if nothing happens initially, minor problems with a repair can lead to a fire hazard and put your family at risk later.

Protect yourself and your family by trusting any repairs you need to professionals.

Time is Money

You’re tempted to handle your own air conditioner maintenance and repairs to save money, but you forget that your time also have value. Professional electricians know what they are looking for, and they can troubleshoot problems in a fraction of the time it will take you. While you are still trying to determine the exact problem, they can have the system up and running again.

It’s also normal for people to replace the wrong item when they try to do their own repairs. Putting in a new compressor when you really need more coolant is a complete waste of both your time and your money. Even if you eventually get the right piece installed, you will often look back and decide that it actually cost you more in time than you would have paid a professional.

Trust Indoor Comfort Services

When you need Sacramento air conditioning repairs or maintenance, trust the professionals at Indoor Comfort Services to help you. We offer emergency services and will respond quickly when you need us. It’s safer, faster, and will ultimately save you money because the job will be done right the first time. Call us today at 916-993-3510 to schedule your professional air conditioning service.

The Power of Sustainable Energy

Sustainable, green technology is rapidly becoming the heating and cooling option of choice for homeowners in the Sacramento area as well as around the world. As the following infographic shows, renewable energy provides ample opportunities for technological growth and strength.

At Environment Masters, we’re proud to offer sustainable energy alternatives to traditional heating and cooling technology. Our geothermal heating and solar power water heater options provide homeowners in the area with quality heating and cooling while still maintaining and preserving the state of our surrounding environment.

For more information on how you can use geothermal or solar power in your home or business, contact our Sacramento air conditioning specialists by calling 916-993-3510.

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth the Cost?

Instant Hot Water
If your water heater is aging and needs to be replaced, you may want to consider the benefits of switching to a tankless water heater. Providing you with all the hot water you need, a tankless upgrade will mean that you will never run of hot water again. An energy efficient alternative to storage tanks, these units are available from Indoor Comfort Services and are well worth the investment.

Single Point & Multipoint Heaters

If you tend to wash dishes and work at the kitchen sink throughout the day, you might want a point-of-use water heater. Perfect for heating the water you will use right at the sink, this type of tankless water heater reduces your energy usage by providing hot water only when and where you need it most. You will also use less water because you won’t have to wait as long for hot water to arrive at the sink.

Whole house water heaters are ideal when you want hot water on demand at every fixture. Because these units serve your entire plumbing system, you can be assured that you will have all the hot water you need for showers, washing clothes, and cleaning around the house.

Special Considerations

Requiring specialized plumbing installation, a tankless system does not simply replace your existing tank. Additional venting is required for safety, and the units must be properly supported on a wall with the main water lines. Depending on your current home layout, the alterations could be extensive, so you should allow extra money for the installation as well as the unit itself.

Substantial Savings Now & Later

While tankless systems cost more for a Sacramento plumber to install, they also help you save money in several ways.

  • Studies show that a tankless heater will lower your water heating expenses by up to 35%.
  • With fewer parts and no glass liner to break, they also require fewer repairs.
  • They are also more durable and can last twice as long as a traditional tank model.

These reasons make tankless units an attractive choice for the savings they will provide you in the future.

If you are ready to make the change to a tankless water heater, call Indoor Comfort Services for assistance. We offer high-quality heaters, and our experienced team can safely install the right system for your home and needs. Call us today at 916-993-3510 to schedule your estimate on a new tankless unit.

Drain Cleaning Solutions for Sacramento Residents

Drain Cleaning

Your residential plumbing system is one of the most under-appreciated daily luxuries in your life. Every day, it flushes out dangerous chemicals and brings clean water into your home, ensuring you have hot water for baths, showers, laundry, and more. Without clean pipes and drains, your plumbing system would not be able to function effectively. Despite this, many people pay little attention to their pipes until they suffer from a clogged drain. Indoor Comfort Services knows how important regular drain cleaning is to keep a plumbing system in good working order.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is treating clogged drains with chemical drain cleaners. These over-the-counter remedies are not only expensive, but they are made up of many toxic and caustic ingredients that can cause harm to your sensitive plumbing system. This damages both the pipes in your home and your entire residential plumbing system with toxic chemicals.

To clean your drains the safe way:

  1. Run hot water over the problem pipe. Steaming (not boiling) water can loosen the clogged material, making it easier to manually plunge out.
  2. If this doesn’t work, try adding some baking soda to the hot water mixture. The baking soda and hot water will create an alkaline mixture that will greatly loosen the clogged pipe.
  3. To increase the alkalinity of the mixture, add washing soda. Don’t use washing soda in your pipes if you have previously put chemical drain cleaner down your pipe, as this will damage your pipes.
  4. Another popular non-toxic method is adding baking soda and vinegar. This creates a fizzling effect that helps move the clogged material.

All of these drain unclogging methods are safe, effective, and most importantly, good for your pipes.

In order to keep the plumbing system of Sacramento running smoothly, we all need to do our part. Remember, don’t just pay attention to your drains when they’re clogged. In order to continue providing you clean water day after day, your drains need regular attention.

Call your trusted Sacramento plumber at Indoor Comfort Services today at 916-993-3510 to learn more about drain cleaning for your pipes.

Commercial Businesses Count on Indoor Comfort Services

Keep Your Business Cool

Customers take note of everything when they enter your place of business. They notice if it’s clean, if it’s well-maintained, and whether the temperature is comfortable. When they aren’t comfortable, they won’t stay very long and possibly won’t be inclined to return. If you want customers to stay, you need to make sure the business is inviting, clean, and comfortable. Allow Indoor Comfort Services of Sacramento to ensure that your business facilities remain appealing to your customers.

Quality Systems

Commercial facilities are typically larger than most private homes. They have more people moving in and out through the doors. Higher ceilings and larger open spaces make it more difficult to effectively heat and cool the areas. They need special equipment that can handle the strain and still provide quality service. Trust an experienced Sacramento HVAC company to provide you with the high-powered, durable system you need to effectively heat and cool your business.

Timely Repairs

When your commercial air conditioning system fails, you need fast service to get it running again. Most businesses don’t have windows that can be opened to create a cross breeze, and that means you are extremely dependent on the air conditioner. When you call Indoor Comfort for help, you can trust that you will receive prompt service to help keep your customers comfortable.

Regular Maintenance

In addition to making the customers uncomfortable, a broken air conditioner can also damage inventory and destroy your local reputation. Avoid these problems by investing in planned AC maintenance with Indoor Comfort to keep the business cool and comfortable for your customers. Our maintenance will protect your system by catching small problems long before they turn into larger, costlier ones.

With the help of Indoor Comfort Services, you can enjoy steady, reliable air conditioning service for your business. We offer installation and replacement services, and we are also happy to offer repairs and preventive maintenance plans to ensure that you are taken care of year-round. Call us today at 916-993-3510 to ensure that your air conditioner keeps your business cool throughout the warm summer months.

Planned Service for Your Home with Indoor Comfort

Planned Service

Scheduled regular maintenance is the most economical way to make sure that your Sacramento heating system keeps your family warm and cozy for many years to come. A well-maintained heater not only needs fewer repairs but also operates with better energy efficiency than a neglected system. You won’t just save money in the short term through lower monthly fuel and energy bills—with planned visits from Indoor Comfort Services, you’ll save you money over the long term too.

A Heating Maintenance Plan with a Difference

At Indoor Comfort Services, we’re proud to take regular heating maintenance programs to a new level of convenience. We’re happy to let you choose both the time and the day that best suits your individual schedule for your scheduled heating system tune-up. You’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your heating system is getting proper attention without disrupting your regular routine.

We’re also pleased to reward our valued planned service clients with priority service. Should the HVAC systems under our scheduled maintenance plans ever need repair, you can count on our experienced technicians for fast and effective service. In most cases, we can schedule and perform repairs in the same day.

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

With Indoor Comfort Services, you need not worry about signing a long-term contract. Our planned service agreements are available in one-, two-, or three-year plans. If for any reason you’re not pleased with the service, you can cancel the agreement at any time, and we’ll even offer you a refund on the balance. Because we understand that our continued success depends on building long-lasting relationships with our clients, your satisfaction is always our first priority.

Just as your car requires regular service to keep it running in top condition, your heating system benefits from regular tune-ups as well. Planned service doesn’t just ensure that your heater runs at peak efficiency and saves you money on energy bills. Regular heater maintenance is critical for continued safe operation as well. Protect your investment as well as your family’s comfort. Call Indoor Comfort Services today at 916-993-3510 to join our Planned Service Club.

Solar Powered Systems Apply for Federal Tax Credits

Solar Powered

Scientists first discovered that certain substances emit an electrical current when exposed to the sun’s energy in the early 19th century. It took another hundred years to understand that this photovoltaic effect could be used to power home systems. Today, solar energy is not only being used locally to provide electricity for homes but for Sacramento heating systems and domestic hot water as well. As a leading HVAC provider, Indoor Comfort Services is pleased to share information about products and incentive programs that make going solar affordable.

Solar Powered Water Heaters

Instead of converting the sun’s energy into electricity, solar hot water panels use the sun’s thermal energy to heat water. They are affordable products that last much longer than conventional water heaters while saving you a significant amount of money on your monthly energy bills. The federal incentive program, which is taken as a tax credit on your federal tax return, cuts installation costs by as much as 30%.

Although there are a wide variety of designs available, all solar powered water heater models use the same basic green technology. A collector is installed on a roof to absorb the sun’s thermal energy. The heated water is stored in a water tank. There are passive systems that use gravity to deliver the water and active systems that use pumps. Some models are stand-alone units while others are hybrid versions, incorporating a conventional hot water tank into the unit.

Solar Powered Heating Systems

The same kind of technology used for solar water heaters is being used for home heating as well. In some models, the heated liquid generated by the solar collector is used directly for radiant flooring, radiators, or boilers. In others, heat exchangers absorb heat from the liquid to heat air. The heated air is then delivered directly into living spaces or is used to preheat air used in furnace forced-air heating systems.

Get Comfort Today

At a time when many homeowners in Sacramento are concerned about climate change, using a green technology like solar power is becoming increasingly appealing. At Indoor Comfort Services, we make it our business to stay current with renewable HVAC products that save you money while helping to protect the environment. For more information about alternative energy options for you home, call us today at 916-993-3510.

Start the New Year with No Allergies

For those who are suffering with allergies, it’s important that you undergo a duct cleaning in your home to eliminate any contaminants from your system. Performing a planned maintenance routine will help ensure your air system is always up to par and free from dirt, debris, and pollutants that can make you sick. At Indoor Comfort Services, we are ready to come in and tackle your ducts in no time at all.

Allergists Promote Cleaning Your Ducts

Those who are suffering from allergies will need to understand just how many benefits duct cleaning poses for your home. Allergy-proofing your home begins by having a complete cleaning of your ducts. Once you make the decision to have your ducts cleaned, it’s important to look for a company with a reliable and trustworthy background. You can trust that our team has the knowledge and expertise to clean your air ducts and help you eliminate your allergies.

Take it to the Next Level

Beyond just cleaning your ducts, you will need to take the next step to allergy-proof your home. Once you have your ducts cleaned, look into some of the following suggestions to complete the total package.

  • Clean your mattresses. Many people do not realize that dust mites feed on your perspiration and dead skin.
  • Purchase a cover for your mattress. Eliminate the potential for any dust mites entering into your mattress by covering it up.
  • Clean your carpets, drapes, and upholstery. Anything that can hold in dander and mites needs to be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Get a purifier to clean your air. These purifiers have made tremendous strides to help eliminate all of the airborne allergens floating around your home.
  • Freeze your children’s toys and pillows. This will help help kill off anything that may be living on them.

If you need a Sacramento air conditioning company, let our professional staff at Indoor Comfort Services look at your system. Feel free to contact one of our friendly representatives by calling 916-993-3510 today.